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Bhikkus Can not win this election as a party !.

Saying the above, some are shedding crocodile tears about the loosing respect of Buddhist monks.

You fools !!  Can not you understand this simple thing. It is not about winning or loosing or forming a government. 

Were you blind to see how Late Minister. Thondaman and Late Minister. Ashroff took their points across in the parliament. ? All with a few minority seats ?. 

With the few seats they had in their control they were very effective and powerful in a hang parliament

That is why I always say Sinhalese Buddhists are fools. They could be educated and professors, but they have no vision. They have no foresight.

At least this one time, support the priests, so they can be the power in the middle controlling the mad politicians. Otherwise when every time there is a problem needed to be put in to the attention of politicians , the priests have to  wait fasting to death in front of the ministries demanding to see the minister. 

Which one is more respectable ?  Sending some to the parliament or keeping them in the gutter in front of the Buddhist Affairs Ministry?


Bhikkus should not contest elections! says a nayaka

Well  I think some politician may have promised him a new Benz car, (the previous one must be old now)

When Soma Thero was alive there were many professors, Nayaka, Mahanayakas and so called intellectuals were against him.

I personally know how much he had to suffer in their hands. Some even tried to throw him out of the Springvale temple. Some labeled him as the Rebel Monk. Some wrote "Kela Patthara" with wild allegations. Some wanted to seize the Buddha statue from the temple saying it belong to them. Some wanted to cancel his visa. Many deserted him, all this happened in essence because, Soma Thero wanted  the temple and it's services to be freely accessible to all, not  only to the paying members of the temple society. 

He wanted fairness and equality telling this is not a members only club. As long as I stay here it is open to all. He was stubborn and stuck to that principal no matter what happened.

Finally there were only 15 people (such as myself, Jayantha, Saman, Rev. Dhammagavasi etc.) who supported him were left in Melbourne (in 1993) out of 300 strong membership.  Ven. Soma took stones and garlands with "upeakka". You have to expect it specially when you are born among fools who have no capacity to understand a great cause.  

But a few months later when he was successful forming a new temple on above line, I observed that many of those who were formally dead against him, who denigrated him, were the ones, who are the most frequent visitors to the new temple at Noble Park. Soma Thero still did not mind it.  This really amazed me. (These are the types of people we have to live with he said. ) 

So I will tell now. Those who are criticizing Bikkus now will be the first ones to change color when Rev. Theros will achieve their objective. 

Then you have to see how supportive they are. They will run forward and fight among each other to take the Pathra or to sweep the temple or to sit in the front row and cry loud Sadhu ! Sadhu!! Sa....!!! 

When this happens, you have to be careful. There could be "Babus" among those.. Unfortunately Ven. Soma neglected that advice.



Since the following Email started circulating in the web I am giving my views.

Q.1. Is it correct for Bhikkus to participate in the Election according to Dhamma and Vinaya?

A. Lord Buddha said, "Chethanaham, Bikkwe Kammam Vadami" (Intention makes the Karma or the action good or bad).

These are desperate times. For years, people in this country were misled by crazy short sighted selfish politicians who's sole intention is to  divide and rule. 

When ever the politicians are in the opposition. They are all wise and talk of great things full of promises of doing the right thing for the country and people. But as soon as they come to power, they show the true colour and become epitomes of stupidity. Now people are fed up of it.

First, the country must be saved from those madmen as  It is necessary to make a fair go for all the people in the country. To do it some one has to come forward, since the majority of people think at least at this needy hour the Buddhist priests can save them, I do not see anything wrong about  it as long as the interests of all the people, no matter whether they are rich, poor, Singhalese, Tamils, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims or Hindus are being looked after in a honest manner like true Buddhists as Buddhism is a very tolerant religion.  

Dhamma and Vinaya ? 

It is foolish to talk about Dhamma and Vinaya when a country is in turmoil, when people are trying to kill each other, when there is no law and order, when people are suffering. To prosper Dhamma and  Vinaya there must be peace and harmony. If politicians are not up to the task, then priests should step in. I think it is better, at least for this instance if we can get a coalition of all the religious leaders of other religions too to contest under one banner and send them to the parliament for a change. 

Then at least, we can be sure that there are no thugs  in parliament and the parliament is sacred.

  • wmn~ vhn~@s~l` sQhL ur#my nQ@y`~jny krn j`wQk @hL ur#m@yn~ wrg krn~@n~ @m| avs~}`@v|qW pk;yk~ lQy`pqQAcQ kQrmt k`lyk~ @n`m#wQ nQs` bv pk;@y~ pY{`n @l~km| udR@v| {m|m`@l`~k hQmQ@y`~ p#vsRh.

  • wmn~ vhn~@s~l` p`r~lQ@m|n~wOvt pw~vR psR kYQy`w~mk krn~@n~ sQhL ur#m@y~ pYwQpw~wQ @n`vn bvw~, wmn~ vhn~@s~l` u@qs` @vnm {`r~mQk pYwQpw~wQ sm|p`qny kQrm @m| qQnvl kr@gn yn bvw~, un~vhn~@s~ kWh.

  • gA@g`dvQl @s`~m hQmQyn~@g~ aqQsQ apvw~vWm g#n @s`y` b#lWmt @k`mQsmk~ pw~ kQrm, mw~p#n~, mw~qYv& s[h` r`j& anRgYhy lb`qWm v#L#k~vWm, apr`{ h` qR;N vAc` n#wQ kQrm a#wOU {`r~mQk r`j& sAkl~pyk~ u@qs` vn pYwQpw~wQ wm pYwQpw~wQ bv mh` sMr#vn pvswQ.

2. Does this thing do any disgrace to Buddha Sasana?

No, But must be careful to select truly good knowledgeable, non political, non materialistic priests. Otherwise Buddha Sasana will be tarnished and it will be the end of Buddhism in Sri Lanka.   

3. Will they get elected?

I have my doubts about the discriminative intelligence of  Sri Lankan  Sinhalese whose majority are fools. They are blinded by party politics and selfishness. They think about short term gains than the future of a country. This time too the politicians will fool them with various promises. 

Last time, Late Soma Thero , went on national TV and asked to make a protest vote by canceling it. How many "Upasakas" and "Upasikas" who shed crocodile tears now   had listened to him when he was alive ? Stupid Fools !! . They listen from one ear while it goes out from the other and wearing white cloths Say "Sadhu" "Sadhu" now very loud. But a little later will forget it and put on their respective party hats of  Green or blue or red and go on attacking neighbors. These are the type of stupid people you want to bring back to sense, I do not know how far the priests can succeed. 

The bitter truth is  that, 98% of Sri Lankans are fools ("Gon Hattha") . It must be a collective bad karma of past.  

4. If they do can they adhere to the rules in the parliament?

Parliament is a sacred place sanctity of it is now desecrated by some unruly people who went there in recent times. as a result, the country has become unruly. So at first the parliamentarians should be exemplary in their conduct and must and must behave like civilized people. The presence of priests can bring it.

5. What would be our role in this issue?

This is the last chance. People must recognize it or perish. The Sri Lankans, specially the majority of stupid Sinhalese must forget about their Blue, Green, Red parties and support this desperate attempt of Buddhist priests in their quest for fairness to the people. 

Show through your democratic vote that you can not be fooled in every election. That you want this country to be governed well. That you want true peace and true fairness for every one.    

Otherwise soon you fools will have no alternative but to jump to ocean saying "Oh what stupid asses we were" for running after the carets shown to us by Sri Lankan politicians. 


Online Poll

Here you have a chance for vote, (Not to send some thugs to the parliament, but just for fun. Unless the cookies are well accounted, the "Hora Chanda" will be a problem here too.

P.S. Web master promised the following: " In every 24 hours we will go thru the database and delete votes that has been registered from same IP" So let us at least keep this honest as it is hard to make politicians honest.


Chinese Scientists to Head for Suspected ET Relics in Tibetan Stupa

See a very similar story told by  E. Stanton Brown. Fort Worth, Texas is there some connection ?


National Think Tank to tackle urgent problems

President is to set up a National Think Tank to deliberate on and recommend urgent national policies and plans of action to be taken in economy, education, health, law and order, crime prevention, peace and other major issues.

Good idea, but do not put fools in to it. A person can be a professor but still a fool. (May be, the president knows it better than others from her past selections). So get some really good people with proven track record. Get some expatriate Sri Lankans. Get advice from Sri Lankan organizations and temples abroad. Use a radically new approach in selections. Take people who are interested in developing the country, who has no allegiance to any political party. Do not take religious or ethnic extremists. Take people who wish to make a fair go for all the people in the country, no matter whether they are rich, poor, Singhalese, Tamils, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims or Hindus.  

Then only, it will be useful to the country. Otherwise it will be an another political gimmick during the election time  


Twelve member gang arrested for attacks on 30 churches 
Re posting the log for 30/12/2003
Punish those trouble makers 

No matter what religion or the political party they belong. Those are criminals. Those are the ones who do not allow any body in this country to live in peace.  Punish those criminal elements who want to create an artificial trouble. Bring down the fullest force of law. Sending them to jail is also not enough If they broke some thing make them pay double the cost of repair plus the cost of the investigation  and court proceedings ! More

Anti-Buddhist elements attacking churches’

By Pujitha Wijetunge
The Jathika Sangha Sammelanaya (JSS)  said that there is an organized campaign by anti-Buddhist elements operating in the country that is bent on making religious clashes by way of attacking churches.

Denouncing the attack on Christian places of worship, Sammelanaya Secretary Ven. Athuraliye Ratana Thera told the Daily Mirror that the action is carried out by anti-Buddhist elements with the aim of slinging mud at Buddhists in the country and forming the way for a religious clash. more


Soma Hamuduruwane,

Two months since you have left us. Still the grief remains. But the light of Wisdom. You tried to lit is still litting. May we have the courage. To keep it going. Till we die. When we fail. May we hear you. Through your Sermons. May you attend Nibbana. After being Just one more time to your Motherland

~ Shamika ~

SRI LANKA PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED - The next election to be held on the day after the April fools day (2nd Apr.) Re-posting the log for 25/1/04 Sri Lanka gets ready for Political Party Flu

Incredible - Arhath

Buddhism says if somebody can die while in meditation, either that person can realize Nirvana by becoming an "Arhath" or can be born in the highest realm of Brahma. Also that he can will that his dead body be preserved as life like or not.

Many Sri Lankans (foolish as always) think it happened only in the days of Buddha and it can not happen now. It seems this Thai Bikkhu had shown by example that, it can happen now too. He even told the exact date he wish to leave this world. (Click here for more new information) For 20 years in tropical humid climate of Thailand, his body has still not started to decompose.( Bikkhu Fa-hsien (A.D. 399-414) also describes similar occurrences in his travel account).  

capt.sge.jeh73.210703133451.photo00.default-270x392.jpg (36110 bytes)
Click Picture to enlarge 
Click here to view an another picture of Arhath from National Geographic
More Information about location
of the body in Thailand 
Expert opinions  
The first surprises were disclosed by the developed X-ray film: the internal organs heart, lungs, liver and intestines  were still intact

An another such occurrence from Vietnam  
Mummified monk's eternal meditation

It is sad to note though they boastingly like to call it 'Dharmadveepa", there is no or very little Dharma in Sri Lanka. (May have been in the past but not now. Down load and read the travel account of Bikkhu Fa-hsien (A.D. 399-414) below)

Now they talk of revival of Buddhism is in Sri Lanka. How can it revive when monks behave like that they are dead?. Going only for an occasional pansakula or a Bana when there is a funeral.

At present, except for a rare few, majority of monks are not interested in either working for the benefit of the people in the country and the world nor their own spiritual development. As advised by Lord Buddha, they must do both or else at least one. Otherwise, the Buddha said, that life is wasted. Now it is time to get on to it rather than just sitting at the temples ignoring Buddha and worshipping politicians. 


SRI LANKA PARLIMENT DISSOLVED, Re-posting the log for 25/1/04 Sri Lanka gets ready for Political Party Flu. 

Incredible - Arhath

Buddhism says if somebody can die while in meditation, either that person can realize Nirvana by becoming an "Arhath" or can be born in the highest realm of Brahma. Also that he can will that his dead body be preserved as life like or not.

Many Sri Lankans (foolish as always) think it happened only in the days of Buddha and it can not happen now. It seems this Thai Bikkhu had shown by example that, it can happen now too.

capt.sge.jeh73.210703133451.photo00.default-270x392.jpg (36110 bytes)
Click Picture to enlarge 
Expert opinions  
The first surprises were disclosed by the developed X-ray film: the internal organs heart, lungs, liver and intestines  were still intact

It is sad to note though they boastingly like to call it 'Dharmadveepa", there is no or very little Dharma in Sri Lanka. (May have been in the past but not now. Down load and read the travel account of Bikkhu Fa-hsien (A.D. 399-414) below)

Now they talk of revival of Buddhism is in Sri Lanka. How can it revive when monks behave like that they are dead?. Going only for an occasional pansakula or a Bana when there is a funeral.

At present, except for a rare few, majority of monks are not interested in either working for the benefit of the people in the country and the world nor their own spiritual development. As advised by Lord Buddha, they must do both or else at least one. Otherwise, the Buddha said, that life is wasted. Now it is time get on to it rather than just sitting in the temples ignoring Buddha and worshipping politicians.

  Click here to view an another picture of Arhath from National Geographic
More Information about location
of the body in Thailand 

.Free eBook 2
An another free gift to visitors

The travels of Chinese monk Fa-hsien  in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist books of discipline

Translated from the Chinese text BY JAMES LEGGE  Oxford, June 1886



The Hubble Space Telescope has snapped a new image of the "Black Eye" galaxy.
When galaxies collide
Visit the Hubble Telescope web site

The Shocking Discovery : Hell Exists! (Negative NDEs)


1. Newcastle disease may have signaled early bird flu

2. Mars Images


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Avian Flu 

Possible human-to-human transmission (WHO)

Interactive graphic: Bird flu and symptoms


Free eBook gift to visitors

A rare  translation from French for the lovers of exploration and travel. First published in 1931.


Alexandra David-Neel - Mystic and Explorer (Birth 1868 - Death 1969 at the age of 101) Click to visit her museum in France


Photos of that journey (Click here) It is fascinating to note that many supposedly impossible and extraordinary feats described in Buddhist literature such as "Irdhi" were witnessed as recently as 1916. (Click to read the chapter)

Buy the CD from her Museum  or Read the book online (Free) or Down load the book (Free 244kb Note: The above links are only hyper links and pages you visit are not a part of this site. Any inquiries, or additional info. You must contact those sites (not me) 


Incredible Finds

Earlier I used to wonder about the size of the later sculptured footprint, used as the covering stone over the actual print which Buddhists believe as Lord Buddha's foot print at Samanala Kanda.

If this is true, (Which I do not know and up to you)  then now I do not have to wonder about the actual size.

But It is interesting to note that, the article was submitted from a site called "Bible-believers".  As far as I understand, the Bible does not mention about Giant human beings who lived millions of years before. 

The questions are: What Bible do they believe. Whether this is an another cheap trick of an evangelistic cult to get gullible or is this the truth ? . Read this  

Life-or-death struggle against an invisible foe

Fears of a major outbreak of bird flu in China grew as four more suspected outbreaks in three new regions were reported more

If conditions are right, do what health authorities now fear is the bird flu ripping through Asia might do - make its way into a person who also has a human flu, and mix genetically to produce a new, highly transmissible strain that will cause many people to die before a vaccine can be made widely available. But the experts cannot say how likely this is to happen. With the flu," Professor Tannock says, "expect the unpredictable."

He paints a grim picture of how dire the consequences might be if bird flu becomes a human virus, and believes it would be the worst flu pandemic the world has seen since the Spanish flu of 1918-19, which claimed between 30 and 50 million lives More..


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Lakshman Abeykoon M.Sc.
I am in Melbourne at present

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