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2003 Singhalese New Year Auspicious Times are below

Free Predictions for year 2003
According to your Birth Sign
are here


Note: The Auspicious times given below are prepared by the "Nakshtra Committee" of the Department of Cultural Affairs and are in Sri Lanka Time


Viewing New Moon "Nava Sanda Baleema"

For "Chandra" year Thursday  April 03 and  for the "Surya" year : Sunday 04th May


Bathing for the Old Year "Parana Auruddha Sandaha Snanaya"

Sunday April 13

(Nuga Path Mishra Nanu - Apply Nuga leaves juice mixed bath oil)


New Year

Monday 14 th April  at 12:18 pm

*Dubai 10:18 am

*Toronto 2:18 am

* Melbourne - 4:18 pm (Melbourne Local Time)

* Auckland NZ - 6:18 pm (Local Time)


Punya Kala - Period of religious activity


From Monday April 14th 05:54 am to Monday 14th April 18:42 (6:42pm) is "Punya Kala . Therefore before 05:54 am Monday you have to Stop Work and Finish taking Meals. (Veda ha A'ha'ra ath hareema)

First part of "Punya Kala" (14th April 05:54 am to 14th April 12:18 pm) is allocated for religious activities.

*Dubai 3:54am to 10:18 am

*Toronto 7:54 pm (13th Sunday) to 2:18 am 14th

* For Melbourne First part of Punya kala starts from 9:54 am 14th April to 04:18 pm 14th April (Melbourne Local Time)

* For Auckland 11:54 to 6:18 (Local Time)

Second part of the "Punya Kala" is allocated for the activities mentioned below. Such as preparing Meals, Transactions and Taking Meals.

*Dubai  from 10:18am to 4:42 pm

*Toronto 2:18 to 8:42 am

* For Melbourne Second part of Punya Kala starts at 04:18 pm and ends at 10:42 pm (Melbourne local Time)

* For Auckland 6:18 to 00:42 (Local Time)


Preparing Meals "Ahara Peseema"

Monday 14th April at 12:51pm. Wearing   Pearl White coloured clothes and looking at East direction, light the fire and prepare a milk rice  meal "Kiribath"  mixed with sesame seeds (Tala) and Gee.

*Dubai 11:02 am , Auspicious Direction is East

*Toronto 5:51 am Auspicious Direction is East

* For Melbourne the Auspicious time is at 14th April 05:12 pm Melbourne Local time. The direction is East

* For Auckland the Auspicious time is at 14th April 06:29 pm  Local time. The direction is East


Starting Work, Transactions and Taking Meals "Ahara Anubavaya, Weda Alleema ha Ganudenu Kerreema"

Monday 14 th April 02:15 pm, Wearing   Pearl White coloured clothes and Looking at East Direction

*Dubai 12:08 pm Auspicious direction is East

*Toronto 6:31am Auspicious direction is East

* For Melbourne the Auspicious time is at 05:57 pm Melbourne local Time and the Auspicious direction is East

* For Auckland the Auspicious time is at 14th April 07:56 pm  Local time. The direction is East


Applying Oil "Hisa tel Gaama"

thursday 17th April 10:59 am, Looking at North Direction, wearing gold Colour clothes


Going to work

Monday  21st April 7:18 am after having a breakfast of "Kiribath", Wearing   Pearl White  clothes and looking at East Direction.